Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): December 2023

The 3rd NaCoLET was held on 21-22 September 2023. This conference was organized by the English Language Education Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon in collaboration with several universities such as Wilarodra University Indramayu, Potential Utama University of Medan, South Tapanuli Education Institute, and Invada Cirebon Language Education Institute . This conference, moreover, presented several keynote speakers such as Heram Kulkarni (Co founder & Director of Council for Creative Education Finland), Dr. Finita Dewi, S.S, MA (Director for Teacher Professional Development in iTELL, and Dr. Fahmy Akmal, S.STP, M.Si (Director of HR Development Creative Economy). The 3rd NaCOLET focused on Technology Innovation on Language Learning: Unlocking the Ingenuity of Local Wisdom, Connecting the World though Technology. Additionally, this conference offers a number of fascinating sub-themes, including (1) Methodology and Teaching Strategy in ELT, (2) Curriculum and Material Development, (3) Language Assessment, (4) Technology in Language Learning, (5) Continuing Professional Development in ELT, (6) ESP in Language Teaching, (7) Discourse Analysis, (8) Ethno-pedagogy in ELT, and 9) Local wisdom and technology for sustainable learning.